Mediumship Abilities and When Spirits Show up

I am a Psychologist but I am not your typical psychologist.

One of my areas of expertise is in working with transpersonal psychology. This includes spiritual and paranormal types of experiences.

I was not always open to (or even believed in) these types of experiences. It took going through my own intuitive awakening to open me up to experiences beyond our 3-D world view. I have dedicated the last decade to specialization in spiritual concerns. (On top of my existing psychology training). I have come to realize that there is a lot of misinformation and misrepresentation out there.

In honour of Halloween I wanted to share notes on the spirit world. With a focus on mediumship or intuitive communication with ‘ghosts’ in particular.

Ghosts (or spirits) are often the terms used to describe the consciousness of someone who has lived on earth, in human form, and has passed away.

'Ghosts/Spirits' can get our attention in the form of: dreams, smells (that remind us of them), a token or animal, feeling a presence, unexplained movement of objects, seeing a ghost, or in other ways. (How they show up for each person depends on which of our own intuitive abilities are most dominant. For more on this check out: Intuition Development).

They may be attached to a certain location, a ‘haunted’ building or area of land. They can also be attached to a person.

No matter how they show up there is nothing to fear. (It is not like how Hollywood to TV portrays them to be).

Spirits/Ghosts show up for 1 of 3 reasons:

1) They are here to help. They are sending us love, protection and support from the other side. Their presence is often comforting and brings a sense of reassurance and peace.

2) They need help. Not all people pass over “into the light” upon their deaths. They are stuck in the emotional reality at the time of their life/death. They are weighed down by heavy emotions such as fear, anger, trauma. There presence is not comforting. It can be uncomfortable, upsetting or disturbing. They may need help to move through these heavy emotions and to go “into the light”, to a place of peace.

3) They think they are helping (but they actually need help). They can also come up for both reasons. Spirits of deceased loved ones can often fall into a mixture of both categories. They are like a living person who has their own ideas, limiting beliefs and past traumas. Their presence can often be both reassurings and uncomfortable.

They often means well and have good intentions. We need to be careful with any messages or guidance from spirits of deceased loved ones. They often still hold their earth bound personality, beliefs and ego. Thinking of it as reciecing advice/guidance from any another person in your life. Take the messages with a grain of salt, question where it might be coming from for them. Remember that each of us has our own intuitive guidance system that knows what is best for us.

(If you are asking for messages there are other beings and guides you can turn to for unbiased guidance).

If mediumship is one of your natural intuitive abilities it is helpful to learn how to manage this gift. There are steps you can take to set ‘protection’ for your personal spaces. To learn to open or close these abilities. For some there may be a calling to further develop these gifts and to bring healing into this area. Finding a trusted teacher or guide can make a world of difference.

I would be happy to support you in this process, send me a note to see if we could be a good fit.


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